
Great x8 Smoothie

Aaron's parents recently upped their blender game (and are super excited about their new toy, as they should be) and asked me about my green smoothies. My friend Ali likes to make green smoothies by pretty much putting a salad in the blender but that's not really my game. My green smoothies are green because of the token leaf of kale, but mostly because of spirulina, which lends the most gorgeous hue ever. At any rate, this was my attempt to get a greater variety of fruits and veggies into a smoothie, and with 4 fruits and 4 veggies plus a whole lot of other plant-based goodness I doubt you'll be disappointed. So Tom and Barbara, cheers to you!

Great x8 Smoothie (serves 2)

2 cups non-dairy milk (I used this combination of coconut, chia, and almond milks)
1 leaf kale
2 handfuls of baby spinach
1/4 cup parsley leaves
1 mini cucumber
1 frozen banana
1 cup frozen mango chunks
1 apple, cut into chunks (I used Fuji, use what you like)
Flesh of 1 orange (cut off all the fibrous stuff so you just have the juicy goodness)
Knob of ginger about the size of your thumb, peeled
1/4 cup raw shelled hemp seeds (aka hemp hearts)

Blend all ingredients together and enjoy! Depending on your blender you may need to chop some of the larger items first, but it blends pretty nicely.

It really is this color

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