
Snickerdoodle Ice Cream

Trader Joe's never ceases to amaze me. It's a shot in the dark if they'll have say, basil, but the selection of "accidentally" vegan novelty grocery items they have is quite fantastic (for the full list, see here). My mom found snickerdoodle cookies that are both vegan and gluten free, and they are so good. I like softer cookies and these are so melt-in-your-mouth chewy and delicious. I was in the mood to do something different with ice cream so I added these to a new kind of ice cream batter* and was quite pleased with the result. I don't have my own vegan snickerdoodle recipe but if Trader Joe's isn't in your future, Google can help you find plenty.

*I mean new for me, I highly doubt I'm the first person to make ice cream this way.

Snickerdoodle Ice Cream

1 cup cashews, soaked in water for several hours or overnight
1 can coconut milk
3/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 tsp. cinnamon extract
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
3/4 cup crushed snickerdoodle cookies (6 if you're using the ones from Trader Joe's)

Drain and rinse the cashews. Blend all ingredients (except the cookies) together until smooth.

Make according to your ice cream maker's directions. Freeze the cookies while the batter is churning and add in during the last few minutes.

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