
Jimmy Fallon Ice Cream

Where has March gone? The month is half over and this is my first post...but it's an epic one, so I hope that makes up for the hiatus. If you're a fan of Ben & Jerry's ice cream and/or Jimmy Fallon, you know that the dynamic duo recently created The Tonight Dough, a ridiculous concoction of caramel and chocolate ice creams with chocolate cookies, chocolate chip cookie dough, and peanut butter cookie dough. The bad news is that this has cow juice in it and therefore won't be going in my body, the good news is that it can totally be veganized. I have to admit I took some shortcuts with this. I made the ice cream a caramel-chocolate ice cream rather than swirling together the two separately, mostly because it would have taken a couple days because I only have one ice cream bowl. I also used peanut butter chocolate chip cookie dough instead of chocolate chip and peanut butter cookie doughs separately because, well, it was just easier. If you do eat dairy and want to compare the "real thing" with this one I would love to know how they stack up, but even if they don't taste the same that's fine by me because this is tasty.

Jimmy Fallon Ice Cream (inspired by Ben & Jerry's The Tonight Dough)

For the ice cream:
3/4 cup sugar
1 Tbls. coconut oil
2 cups soy creamer, divided
1 cup non-dairy milk, divided
1 oz. baking chocolate
2 Tbls. cocoa powder
Pinch of salt
2 Tbls. arrowroot powder
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 tsp. chocolate extract

For the mix-ins:
3/4 cup crushed chocolate cookies*
1/4 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup agave nectar
1 Tbls. water
1/2 cup flour
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1/4 cup mini chocolate chips

*We happened to have some chocolate cookies already in the freezer but if you don't, make these (with or without the chocolate chips) and freeze them before crushing.

The ice cream part is a bit complicated to make so it helps to set up everything beforehand. First, get set up on the stove a pan or small pot with 1 cup of soy creamer and the coconut oil. In a large pot, add the sugar and shake gently so it sits in an even layer.

On the counter next to the stove, have your whisk ready to go, the remaining 1 cup of soy creamer + 1/2 cup milk, the chocolates and salt, and the remaining 1/2 cup of milk with the arrowroot powder whisked in thoroughly.

Heat the creamer mixture and keep it simmering. You won't need it for a bit but it needs to be super hot when you add it.

Turn the sugar on medium heat and let it melt. Once it starts to get brown around the edges, stir it around a bit using a spatula.

Keep the sugar melting until it is nearly all liquid.

Slowly pour in the hot creamer mixture and keep stirring with a spatula until all the bubble frenzy dies down.

At this point you will likely have some lumps of caramel in the batter. Let the mixture simmer for a few minutes until they have melted. Stir occasionally with a spatula.

Slowly add in the remaining cream/milk mixture and the chocolates with salt. Let it all melt together, whisking occasionally.

Once everything has mixed together, bring the mixture to boiling and then quickly whisk in the arrowroot mixture until the batter has thickened. Let cool for about half an hour and whisk in the extracts. Refrigerate until cool.

Now it's time to make the cookie dough. In a large bowl combine the peanut butter, agave nectar, vanilla, and water.

Stir in the flour and salt, then the chocolate chips.

Prepare a sheet of silpat or parchment paper, making sure it will eventually be able to fit in a bag or tupperware in your freezer (this is a good time to make sure you have freezer space too). Form the dough into balls the size of small marbles and place them on the paper. If the dough gets too soft while you're working, pop it in the freezer for a few minutes. I got 80 out of the dough with a spoonful left over for eating :). I arranged them this way so I could fold the paper but do whatever works for you. Seal tightly in a bag or tupperware and freeze.

You're almost there! Once the batter is chilled and the mix-ins are frozen, make the ice cream according to your ice cream maker's directions. During the last few minutes of churning add in the cookie crumbles and cookie dough. Yum-may.

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