
Melted Parmesan Cheese

Aaron made an amazing risotto a while back and asked if they made vegan parmesan cheese. I haven't seen it commercially, and other than the parmesan sprinkles I make, which don't melt, I don't have experience with vegan parmesan cheese. So I did the next logical thing: Figure out how to make my own. I designed this cheese to be only melted, as in its base state should be of a melted consistency, like a sauce. Aaron added it to the risotto and it was aaammmaazzziing. I also had it on potatoes the next day, which was tasty as well.

Melted Parmesan Cheese (makes a scant 1/2 cup)

2 Tbls. melted coconut oil
3 Tbls. nutritional yeast
1/2 tsp. sea salt
1 Tbls. fresh lemon juice
1 Tbls. + 1 tsp. vinegar

Blend all ingredients together. Use as you would melted parmesan cheese.

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