
Chocolate Fudge Sauce

When deciding to add a fudge swirl to this ice cream, Aaron asked me if I knew how to make fudge sauce. "No," I replied, "but I will figure it out." I'm proud to say I didn't look at any fudge recipes for inspiration when I made this - and I think it turned out pretty good! Use in ice cream or heat up and spoon over your favorite dessert.

Chocolate Fudge Sauce (makes 1 cup)

1/2 cup soy creamer
2 Tbls. vegan butter
2 oz. baking chocolate
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1/2 cup sugar
1 Tbls. cornstarch
2 Tbls. powdered sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract

In a small pot heat the creamer and the butter, whisking constantly, until boiling. Lower the heat and whisk in the chocolate, cocoa powder, and sugar until the chocolate is melted. Raise the heat again until boiling and whisk in the cornstarch until the mixture has thickened. Removed from heat and whisk in the powdered sugar and vanilla. Store in the fridge.

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