
Summer's End Grain Salad

I decided to make a fancy dinner Sunday night which meant that making lunch for the week had to be something quick and easy. Behold the power of the food processor. Yes I can chop 5 different fruits and veggies in less than a minute, thank you very much. If you don't have a food processor this will take some chopping but you can still get the job done. This salad is bright and happy - perfect for the week of 80 degree temperatures as we head into October... And my friend Grace said it looks quite tasty if you need more endorsement to make it!

Summer's End Grain Salad (serves 4)

1 cup wheat berries

2 apples (any kind), cut into large slices
3 leaves of kale
1 cucumber
2 large carrots, peeled
1/2 cup parsley
1/4 cup sunflower seeds
1 can chick peas, drained and rinsed
Heavy drizzle each of apple cider vinegar, white wine vinegar, and olive oil

Cook the wheat berries according to package directions. Cut the cucumber in half lengthwise and scoop out the seeds with a spoon by dragging the spoon lengthwise down the cucumber.

Once the wheat berries have cooled transfer them to a large bowl. Use the chop setting on your food processor to chop the leaves and the parsley and add them to the wheat berries. Switch to the coarse shredding option and shred the apples, carrots, and cucumber. Add to the bowl.

Add in the chick peas, sunflower seeds, and dressings and stir to combine.

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