
Zucchini Coins

My friend Melissa came to visit this weekend. Besides bringing love and laughter, she also brought lots of fresh veggies from her garden at home. We attempted to make zucchini chips, but they didn't quite crisp. They were still super tasty though! I do not have a dehydrator but if anyone does I'm curious if you can make zucchini chips with it. Or if you know how to successfully make them in the oven.

Zucchini Coins

1 large zucchini

Olive oil
Garlic powder*
* Or whatever seasonings you want!)

Preheat the oven to 400 F. Using a mandolin or the food processor (or just a big ol' knife), cut the zucchini into slices no thicker than 1/8". Arrange them on a baking tray or two (a little bit of overlap is fine but they shouldn't crowd each other).

Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle on your seasonings as you like. Use your hands to mix it all around and arrange your zucchini slices as described above.

Bake for 25 minutes, or until a few of them are really crispy. 

No promises on how these keep. Melissa and I just stood at the stove and ate them...

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